Study Abroad

Study Abroad
Gain a Global Perspective


Global Connections
Taking your interests international.

The Shackouls Honors College strongly encourages Mississippi State students to develop a global perspective through foreign language study and study abroad. Beyond the exposure to other peoples and other cultures, the Shackouls Honors College also seeks to connect our students to international universities and agencies of the highest caliber. Our unique Shackouls Summer Study at the University of Oxford places honors students in the top Oxford colleges and gives them the true Oxford experience by having them taught by Oxford faculty. Our students are eligible to compete for Honors-only scholarships to support their study abroad.


A summer at Oxford
A true, six-week Oxford Experience

The Shackouls Summer Study at the University of Oxford is a highly selective program that affords the most academically qualified students with a true Oxford experience and scholarship support.

Study Abroad Funding

For information about study abroad funding, please make an appointment with Associate Dean George Dunn


Make Appointment Apply for Study Abroad Scholarships