Honors Thesis

Honors Thesis


Honors Thesis Handbook

An Honors Thesis is a significant research project, and often serves as the culmination of months of sustained investigation into an area of a student’s academic interest. While required for all students in the Cursus Honorum and Presidential/Provost Scholars, an Honors Thesis is an option available to all honors students. The Honors Thesis also helps to prepare students for the rigors and expectations of graduate and professional school.

Theses may take different forms based on a student’s major, areas of interest, and professional aspirations; yet all honors theses must contain polished, scholarly, and original work. An Honors Thesis begins with a project proposal and results in both a written product and public presentation (termed “defense”).

Considering an Honors Thesis?

Hear Dr. Anastasia Elder and Dr. Holli Seitz answer some questions about what an Honors Thesis is and why you should consider doing one.

Wondering how to get started?

Hear Dr. Anastasia Elder and Dr. Holli Seitz explain the process of completing an Honors Thesis and offer tips on getting started.

Review the handbook to learn more about the process and expectations that are required. The handbook also contains helpful information for students at all stages of the thesis writing and defending process.

To gain a better understanding of what make a thesis an Honors Thesis, please see Context and Communication.

If you have any questions, please contact the Associate Dean of Shackouls Honors College and Director of Undergraduate Research, Dr. Anastasia Elder, at aelder@honors.msstate.edu or 662-325-8503.

Honors Thesis Proposal

The Honors Thesis Proposal is the first step in the Honors Thesis process and must be completed by all students. Once your proposal is accepted, you will be enrolled into a non-credit producing Canvas course which will guide you through the steps necessary to successfully submit an Honors Thesis in a timely manner. Students intending to defend their thesis during the spring semester should submit their thesis proposal by September 15th; those intending to defend their thesis during the fall semester should submit their thesis proposal by February 20th.

Required Steps:

  1. Complete the Honors Thesis Proposal Form.
  2. Write 2-3 paragraphs describing your research project, being sure to indicate its significance and how you intend to go about the research process. Note: This project summary must be approved by your faculty mentor prior to submission.
  3. Submit both documents to the Associate Dean of Shackouls Honors College and Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, Dr. Anastasia Elder, at thesis@honors.msstate.edu for final approval.

Students may opt to take a credit bearing course, HON 4093, while completing their honors thesis.  The HON 4093 course is created as a special section (per student) dedicated for the honors thesis and is handled like a DIS (directed individual study).  We leave the expectations and grading (it is graded with a letter grade) to the faculty advisor.  We recommend you meet weekly and have deadlines for writing but leave the specifics to the faculty advisor.

Honors Thesis Defense

The Shackouls Honors College hosts Honors Thesis Defense Days every fall and spring semester during which students defend their thesis to their committee and a public audience.

For the Fall 2024 semester, Honors Thesis Defense Days will be held on November 25, 26 and from Dec 2-4. The Spring 2025 Thesis Defense Days will be held from April 22-25 and April 28-May 2. Students can schedule their thesis defense using the link below. Please consider attending these thesis defenses and supporting students in their research and creative endeavors!

Schedule A Defense

Spring 2024 Thesis Defense Days Schedule

Fall 2024 Thesis Defense Days Schedule