Classical Week Celebration: ‘The Past’

Classical Week Celebration: ‘The Past’

Attend a talk-back after this year’s Classical Week production of Trinummus or Three-Dollar Day, which begins at 6 p.m. Bettersworth Auditorium, Lee Hall with faculty and students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering following the one-hour play.


Bettersworth Auditorium, Lee Hall

Attend a talk-back after this year’s Classical Week production of Trinummus or Three-Dollar Day, which begins at 6 p.m. Bettersworth Auditorium, Lee Hall to discover:

The Intersection of Creative Expression Through Transformational Technologies

with faculty and students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering and the Shackouls Honors College immediately following the one-hour play.